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"It is not merely that the world is bettered by saving, replacing, and multiplying trees. It is that an aim of this kind becomes an impulse towards developing a mood and an outlook which will increasingly make it natural to think for the future, for other people, for generations yet unborn. Planting a tree is a symbol of a looking-forward kind of action; looking forward, yet not too distantly."

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Think Before You Print And Help To make Our Earth Green, Say Thanks To paper Thank You, Paper…for giving us something to read and learn things from

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Monday 30 September 2013

Pro ASP.NET MVC 2 Free Download

Pro ASP.NET MVC 2 Free Download
This book is for professional software developers who already have a working understanding of C# and general web development concepts such as HTML and HTTP. Many readers will have background 
knowledge of traditional ASP.NET (now known as Web Forms, to distinguish it from MVC), so in many places I point out the similarities of and differences between the two ASP.NET technologies. But if you’ve 
used PHP, Rails, or another web development platform, that’s fine too. 
To get this most out of this book, you’ll need to have a fair level of passion and enthusiasm for your craft. I hope you’re not satisfied just to throw together any old code that appears at first to work, but 
instead would prefer to hone your skills by learning the design patterns, goals, and principles underpinning ASP.NET MVC. This book frequently compares your architectural options, aspiring to help 
you create the highest quality, most robust, simple, and maintainable code possible. 

Saturday 28 September 2013

Mastring Unix Shell Sripiting

Mastring Unix Shell Sripiting
In Unix there are many ways to accomplish a given task. Given a problem to solve, we may be able to get to a solution in any number of ways. Of course, some will be more efficient, be more readable, use less disk space or memory, may or may not give the user feedback on what is going on or give more accurate details and more precision to the result. In this book we are going to step through every detail of writing a shell script to solve real-world Unix problems and tasks. The shell scripts range from using a pseudo- random  number generator to create pseudo-random passwords to checking for full filesystems on Unix machines and to sending pop-up messages to Windows desktops. The details required to write these shell scripts include using good style and providing good comments throughout the shell script by describing each step. Other details include combining many commands into just one command statement when desirable, separat- ing commands on 

Thursday 26 September 2013

Mastring Unix Shell Script Free Download

Read Ebook Save Earth
Save Paper Save Earth Save Yourself

In UNIX there are many ways to accomplish the same task. Given a problem to solve,we may be able to get to a solution in any number of ways. Of course, some techniques will be more efficient, use fewer system resources, and may or may not give the user feedback on what is going on or give more accurate details and more precision to the result. In this book we are going to step through every detail of creating shell scripts to solve real-world UNIX problems and tasks. The shell scripts range from using a pseudo-random number generator to creating passwords using arrays to replicating data with rsync to working with record files. The scope of solutions is broad and detailed. The details required to write a good shell script include commenting each
step for future reference. Other details include combining many commands together into a single command statement when desirable, separating commands on several lines of code when readability and understanding the concept may be diminished, and

The Art Of Software Testing Free Download

Software testing is more difficult because of the vast array of programming languages, operating systems, and hardware platforms that have evolved in the intervening decades. And while relatively few people used computers in the 1970s, today virtually no one can complete a day’s work without using a computer. Not only do computers exist on your desk, but a ‘‘computer,’’ and consequently software, is present in almost every device we use. Just try to think of the devices today that society relies on that are not software driven. Sure there are some —hammers and wheelbarrows come to mind—but the vast majority use some form of software to operate.
Software is pervasive, whichraises the value of testing it . The machines
themselves are hundreds of times more powerful, and smaller, than those early devices, and today’s concept of ‘‘computer’’ is much broader and more difficult to define. Televisions, telephones, gaming systems, and auto-mobiles all contain computers and computer software, and in some cases can even be considered computers themselves.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

jQuery Game Development Essential Free Download

Writing games is not only fun but also a very good way to learn a technology through and through. Even though HTML and JavaScript weren't conceived to run games, over the last few years, a series of events have occurred to make writing games in JavaScript a viable solution:

Sunday 22 September 2013

How Computers Do Maths free Download

This book really cool because, together, we are going to discover all sorts of interesting snippets of knowledge, tidbits of data, and nuggets of trivia, all bundled together with a tremendous amount useful information as to how computers and calculators perform their magic; and it isn't going to make our heads hurt at all! How Computers Do Math provides an incredibly fun and interesting introduction to the way in which computers perform their magic in general and math in particular.

Saturday 21 September 2013

C++ Programing language By Bjarne Stroustrup Free Download

Save Paper Save Earth, Save Yourself 

This Book introduce the major concepts and features of the C++ programming language and its standard library.  It also provides an overview of this book and explains the approach taken to the description of the language facilities and their use. The most important thing to do when learning C++ is to focus on concepts and not get lost in language-technical details.  The purpose of learning a programming language is to become a better programmer; that is, to become more effective at designing and implementing new systems and at

Learn C on the Mac :For OS X and IOS free Download

Learn C on the Mac has been updated for you to include Mac OS X Mountain Lion and the latest iOS considerations. Learn C on the Mac: For OS X and iOS, This Book is perfect for beginners learning to program. It includes OS X Mountain Lion and up to date iOS examples This book also does the following:  
1:- Provides best practices for programming newbies Presents all the basics with a pragmatic,
2:- Mac OS X and iOS -flavored approach Includes updated source code which is fully compatible with latest Xcode.

Thursday 19 September 2013

Introduing .net framework 4.0 with isual studio 2010 free Download

This book will get you up to speed quickly on what’s new, in just enough depth to get you going, but without getting bogged down with too much detail. When something big like Visual Studio 2010 is released I believe developers need and want an overview of what’s new. Most of us have been developing software long enough now that we just need a lead-in to a new technology and can explore it in further detail ourselves. This book will make you aware of the opportunities available in .net 4 & VS2010, with the assumption that you will want and need to explore these further on your own. 

Sunday 15 September 2013

Yii Application Development Coobook free Download

Yii is a very flexible and high-performance application development framework written in PHP. It helps building web applications, from small to large-scale enterprise applications. 
The framework name stands for Yes It Is (Yii). This is often the accurate and most concise response to inquiries from those new to Yii such as: Is it fast? Is it secure? Is it professional? 
Is it right for my next project? But the answer is an unequivocal, yes it is!
Yii application development Coobook is one of the nice book to learn MVC PHP web application framework.If you are a developer with a good knowledge of PHP5, are familiar with the basics of Yii, have checked its definitive guide, and have tried to develop applications using Yii, then this book is for you. Knowledge of the object-oriented approach and MVC pattern will be a great advantage as Yii uses these extensively. 

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Head First C : free Download

Head First C provides a complete learning experience for C and structured imperative programming. With a unique method that goes beyond syntax and how-to manuals, this guide not only teaches you the language, it helps you understand how to be a great programmer.
“Head First C is an accessible, light-hearted introduction to C programming, in the classic Head First style. Pictures, jokes, exercises, and labs take the reader gently but steadily through the fundamentals of  C including arrays, pointers, structs, and functions before moving into more advanced topics in Posix and Linux system programming, such as processes and threads.”

Sunday 8 September 2013

Head First Java script Free Download

Head First JavaScript is your ticket to going beyond copying and pasting the code from someone else's web site, and writing your own interactive web pages. The goal of this book is to teach you how to do cool practical things in java script to amp up the interactive web pages ,turning them into responsive web applications that people will want to experience.   

Saturday 7 September 2013

Microsoft SQL server 2012: pocket consultant free Download

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Pocket Consultant is designed to be a concise and compulsively usable resource for Microsoft SQL Server 2012 administrators. It covers everything you need to know to perform the core administrative tasks for SQL Server and is the readable resource guide that you’ll want on your desk at all times. Because the focus is on giving you maximum value in a pocket-sized guide, 
you don’t have to wade through hundreds of pages of extraneous information to find what you’re looking for. Instead, you’ll find exactly what you need to get the job done.This book is designed to be the one resource you turn to whenever you have questions about SQL Server administration. To this end, the book zeroes in on daily administration procedures, frequently used tasks, documented examples, and 
options that are representative while not necessarily inclusive. One of the key goals is to keep content concise enough that the book is compact and easy to navigate, while also ensuring that the book contains as much information as possible. you get a valuable resource 
guide that can help you quickly and easily perform common tasks, solve problems, and implement advanced SQL Server technologies such as replication, distributed 
queries, and multiserver administration.