Sunday 15 September 2013

Yii Application Development Coobook free Download

Yii is a very flexible and high-performance application development framework written in PHP. It helps building web applications, from small to large-scale enterprise applications. 
The framework name stands for Yes It Is (Yii). This is often the accurate and most concise response to inquiries from those new to Yii such as: Is it fast? Is it secure? Is it professional? 
Is it right for my next project? But the answer is an unequivocal, yes it is!
Yii application development Coobook is one of the nice book to learn MVC PHP web application framework.If you are a developer with a good knowledge of PHP5, are familiar with the basics of Yii, have checked its definitive guide, and have tried to develop applications using Yii, then this book is for you. Knowledge of the object-oriented approach and MVC pattern will be a great advantage as Yii uses these extensively. 


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