Monday 28 January 2013

Accelerated C# 2008 By Trey Nash free Download

About the Author (Trey Nash)-

TREY NASH currently develops software at a market-leading security soft-ware company. Prior to that, he called Macromedia Inc. home for five years. At Macromedia, he worked on a cross-product engineering team forseveral years, designing solutions for a wide range of products throughoutthe company, including
Flash and Fireworks. He specialized in COM/DCOM using C/C++/ATL until the .NET revolution.

About This Book-

  • C# Preview, gives a quick glimpse of what a simple C# application looks like, and it describes some basic          between the C# programming environment and the native C++ environment.
  • C# and the CLR” expands  and quickly explores the managed environment within which C# applications run. I introduce you to assemblies, the basic buildingBlocks of applications into which C# code files are compiled. Additionally, you’ll see how meta-data makes assemblies self-describing.
  • C# Syntax Overview, surveys the C# language syntax. I introduce you to the two fundamental kinds of types within the CLR: value types and reference types. I also describe namespaces and how you can use them to logically partition types and functionality within your applications.
  • Depth descriptions of how to employ useful idioms, design patterns, and best practices in your C# programs and designs.
  • Overloading Operators, details how you may provide custom functionality for the built-in operators of the C# language when applied to your own defined types. You’ll see how to overload operators responsibly, since not all managed languages that compile code for the CLR are able to use overloaded operators.
  • Classes, Structs, and Objects, provides details about defining types in C#. You’ll learn more about value types and reference types in the CLR. I also touch upon the native sup-port for interfaces within the CLR and C#. You’ll see how type inheritance works in C#, as well as how every object derives from the System.
  • And many more..........

Click here to download This E-Book(Accelrated C# 2008)


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