Thursday 31 January 2013

Oreilly C# Programming 3.0 By Jesse Liberty Free Download

About This E-Book-

This book is a tutorial, both on C# and on writing  .NET applications with C#. If you are a proficient C# 2.0 programmer, and all you want to know is what is new in C# 3.0, put this book down, buy Programming .NET 3.5 by Alex Horovitz (O’Reilly), and then read a lot about Language-Integrated Query (LINQ).
You’ll get by. If, on the other hand, you want to brush up on your C# skills,
or you are proficient
in another programming language such as C++ or Java, or even if C# is your first programming language, this book is for you. Note that for this edition I have been joined by a second author: Donald Xie. Donald
and I have worked together on a number of books for the past decade. He is smart, diligent, and careful, and much of the work of this book is his, but every word in this book is mine. Donald wrote and rewrote much of the new material, but he did so knowing that I would then rewrite it so that this book speaks with a single voice. I think it is imperative for a tutorial such as this to speak from the mind of a single developer (me) into the mind of another developer (you) with as little distortion as possible.

Click Here To Download This E-Book(Oreilly C# Programming 3.0 By Jesse Liberty)


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