Sunday 11 August 2013

Free Download ASP.NET jQuery CookBook By Sonal Aneel Allana

The jQuery library has become increasingly popular with web application developers 
because of its simplicity and ease of use. The library is supported by an active community 
of developers and has grown significantly over the years after its inception in 2006 by John 
Resig. Using this library eases complicated tasks and adds to the interactive experience 
of the end user. Its extensible plugin architecture enables developers to build additional 
functionalities on top of the core library.
With Microsoft's contribution of Templates, DataLink, and Globalization plugins to the jQuery 
library and the distribution of jQuery with Visual Studio 2010 onwards, the library has gained 
popularity with ASP.NET developers. jQuery can be very.................
easily interfaced with ASP.NET controls
as well as custom user controls. It can be used to validate controls using client side scripts, 
thus giving us an alternative for server side Validation Controls. It can be used to incorporate 
cool animation effects as well as to create graphic-rich pages. It can be used to post AJAX 
requests to web services, page methods, and HTTP handlers. The possibilities with jQuery  
are endless.
This cookbook aims to cover some of the day-to-day tasks faced by ASP.NET developers and 
how jQuery can be applied to work out the same. We will be focusing on interfacing jQuery 
with ASP.NET applications and some of the amazing tasks that can be accomplished using 
this powerful library. The recipes described in this book give fast and easy solutions to some 
of the common encountered problems in web applications.


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